Licenses and Permits

Given the impact of global warming amongst other environmental degradation factors, The Gambia has adopted several measures to reduce the decline and to improve the environment. For this reason, any project that may have potential impact on the environment would be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) conducted by the National Environment Agency (NEA) before any license or permit is granted. These projects include hotels, roads, bridges, mining, large-scale agricultural projects, processing and manufacturing industries, fish processing, waste disposal, installation of electrical lines, etc.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process
Identify a project site
Submit a project or fill out a screen form (obtained from NEA)
NEA screens the proposal for potential environmental impacts
An Environmental Impact Assessment is carried out
A decision is made (Approved or Rejected)
Work Permit
Apart from persons possessing special immigration status, all other immigrants require a residential and employment permit in order to reside and work in The Gambia
Residential permit ‘B’ is the permit issued to experts, their spouses and children.
Residential Permit ‘B’
This permit is issued for both residence and employment, and in connection with policies laid down by the Government. It is usually issued to skilled expatriates and owners of big business as follows.
The Director of Immigration can only issue permits ‘B’ to a skill expatriate worker in the executive managerial and middle management position in accordance with the directives and instructions given from time to time through the expatriate quota allocation Board specifying Government’s Immigration Policy. In other words residential permit ’B’ can only be issued to a skilled expatriate worker if there is a quota position for him to occupy.
Residential Permit for Dependants
The names and ages of the dependant or the holder of any residential permit shall be endorsed on the permit. Such names so endorsed shall be deemed to be in possession of residential permit.
Validity Of Residential Permit
All residential permits expire on the 31st December each year for example a permit issued on February 1st 2017 will expire on 31st December 2017. Please note that application forms can be obtained at a very minimal fee from the Ministry of Interior.
Fees for Residential Permit B
For ECOWAS Nationals – D10,000 per annum
For Non-ECOWAS Nationals – D40,000 per annum