
Aimed at modernizing and increasing productivity of the sector through the following actions:
Increased Food Security activities;
Transformation from Subsistent to Commercial Agriculture including development of agricultural chains and market promotion;
Increased Production and Productivity.
Agriculture is the most important sector in the Gambian economy. The country has over 480,000 hectares of good quality arable land, of which an estimated 180,000 hectares is currently under cultivation. With abundant land, favourable climate, rich soils, relatively low labour cost and close proximity to Western markets, The Gambia offers good opportunities for investment in the agricultural sector. These are complemented by the availability of outlets in the expanding tourism industry, the large concentration of consumers in the urban areas and the ever growing export markets, which provide ample opportunities for investment in the sector, including:
Crop production and processing (Rice, Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Groundnuts, Sesame, and Cashew)
Horticulture production and processing (fruits and vegetables)
Poultry production
Livestock production and processing
Animal feed production
Agro-processing and packaging
Machinery manufacturing and servicing
Provision of cold storage and silos facilities for horticulture and livestock products
Establishment of Financing Facilities e.g. an Agricultural Development Bank to increase access to financing in the sector.