
The fisheries sector has significant potential for further development in The Gambia. Although it has a coastline of only 80 Kms, The Gambia’s waters can be fished year round and are relatively well populated by a wide variety of demersal and pelagic fish and crustaceans. Total annual fish production in 2002 was circa 43,000 metric tonnes (mt), of which only 573 tonnes was exported in 2003. Most exports are aimed at EU markets. It is believed that the Maximum Sustainable Yield for all species in Gambian territorial waters stands at between 150,000 mt. and 200,000 mt.
Demersal Species: Sole, grunts, seabreams, carangids and cephalopods.
Pelagic Species: Bonga, sardinella, red mullet, shads, catfish, jacks and snapper.
Currently frozen shrimps and prawns account for over one third of all fish exports.
There exist immediate opportunities for vessel operator/traders to supply the existing processing plants with fish, either by supplying fish under contract, or on some form of joint venture basis with the plants. There are also longer term opportunities for companies with an established market presence to source products, either raw or processed from The Gambia.